
Empowering Patient-Centric Personalized Healthcare


Hemant Patel

Bringing the Family Doctor Experience to Virtual Care Through Agile Technical Operating Models, Prioritizing Patient and Provider Connections.

Many people view virtual primary care as a technological solution that aims to replace traditional in-person interactions with healthcare professionals. However, this perspective often falls short in maintaining the personal doctor-patient relationship. We argue that most virtual care models neglect the fundamental need for a meaningful connection and continuity between patients and their physician.

At Radish Health, we are architects of a new type of virtual primary care experience, designed based on patient feedback and insights every step of the way. What sets us apart is our strategic use of technology, not as a replacement for human connection, but as a tool to bring the human relationship back to the forefront, creating an experience reminiscent of having a trusted family doctor. Putting patients at the center of everything isn’t just an idea — it’s a key principle shaping how we deliver care. Our technical operating model seamlessly integrates technology to prioritize patient needs, enhance engagement, and ultimately redefine the healthcare experience — rekindling the human touch in healthcare.

When we surveyed patients on their biggest frustrations with existing healthcare options, access and convenience topped the list. As a result, we are building asynchronous care into the core of our operating model rather than treating it as an add-on. Technology plays a crucial role in scaling asynchronous communication while also supporting real-time visits when clinically necessary. Our platform seamlessly integrates two-way messaging with our clinical team, self-scheduling of face-to-face video appointments, automated check-ins, friendly reminders, provider follow-ups and access to your medical records. The care team has access to all patient data and context for each interaction, facilitating personalized and continuous relationships. This intentional use of technology aims to make the healthcare experience not only efficient and convenient but also fosters a closer, more personal relationship between patients and healthcare providers.

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Ultimately, virtual primary care can only reach its potential to expand access and improve outcomes if technical operating models allow personalized delivery tailored to each patient. This means seamless integration of asynchronous and real-time clinical services, back-end data consolidation, as well as consumer-focused user experiences. It’s a complex undertaking, but at Radish Health we believe putting the human experience first will be key to translating technological capabilities into better doctor-patient relationships, ultimately contributing to improved health outcomes and a more satisfying healthcare experience.

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