
How Three Long Island Communities Use Data to Keep Employees Safe in the Pandemic

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Even after one year into the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses and governments across the country continue to look for ways to survive and regain a sense of normalcy. As the second wave of the coronavirus spread, cities looked for creative ways to avoid total shutdowns and keep essential business running. For three Long Island communities, finding a sustainable, long-term solution was imperative – enter Radish Health.

“It’s a great healthcare service to be able to offer to employees. Great healthcare is expected when it comes to government work, so to be able to offer this simple, at home service, alongside traditional insurance is great.”

Kevin Bonner, Babylon Pandemic Response Coordinator

‍With the Radish Health dashboard, we’re able to assist organizational leaders to make data-driven decisions for safe reopening and ongoing operations. After analyzing the three Long Island communities, we’re thrilled to report our findings demonstrate just how effective and productive our data-driven approach can be.

Our Results

Brookhaven approves pay raises for three town positions | Newsday

Together, Babylon, Brookhaven, and Smithtown joined Radish Health between October of 2020 and January of 2021.

During this time we conducted:

  • 31,372 daily health assessments
  • 310 virtual patient visits
  • 237 COVID-19 tests
  • 80 positive COVID-19 results

From these results, there has not been a single case of COVID-19 transmission between employees once our program was fully up and running.‍

“An outbreak started around the week of thanksgiving. We were seeing one new case at a time for 13 days in a row. It would have been a disaster without Radish health. We would have had to shut down. Radish was able to keep us open.”

Kevin Bonner, Babylon Pandemic Response Coordinator

Radish Health attributes this impressive zero-transmission rate to diligent contact tracing and effective quarantines. Since partnering with Radish Heath, municipal employees from these three communities have logged a combined 2,187 days in quarantine. The average quarantine per potentially exposed employee was five business days. Most importantly, over 80% of municipality workers enrolled in Radish Health used the platform on a daily basis.

“The services are very accessible every time you check in. It’s really comforting to know that I have all of these resources in one place.”

Helene Linden, Town of Babylon employee

How We Can Help Your Organization or Community

The Radish Health care platform is designed for speed and ease of use. Employees and government officials are able to access real-time data across the organization to make better informed decisions at both the individual and the organizational level. The best part? A rate of 75% of users access the platform from their mobile phones and participating employees can receive at-home COVID-19 test results within one day of their patient visit.

For the community of Babylon, twenty-four-hour test results and holistic, real-time data were two of the main selling points.

“We learned in the spring that a total shutdown doesn’t work. There are certain vital systems that we need to maintain, and so we needed to find a way to do this as safely as possible. Radish Health was the perfect solution to manage all of our testing and contract tracing needs.”

Kevin Bonner, Babylon Pandemic Response Coordinator

Antoinette Rivera from Brookhaven shared similar thoughts on our COVID-19 testing program:

“The reality is that community spread is here, and some people are going to get sick. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t keep people safe while they’re at work. We want our government building to feel like the safest palace you can be outside of the home.”

The Key to Our Success

Smithtown, NY - Official Website | Official Website

Our success with Babylon, Brookhaven, and Smithtown showcases the range of applications for our product and services. While local municipalities have a wide variety of working conditions, we were still able to take control of each workplace situation. Even with 80 positive COVID-19 cases from the community, our platform prevented workplace transmission.

At Radish Health, we believe that data and transparency are key to effective public health strategies for the duration of the pandemic and beyond. We’re proud of the positive impact we’ve had in New York and look forward to helping more communities get through the pandemic safely and effectively.

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