Let’s Stay Healthy

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Jason Sellers, MD • 7 Jun 2024

First Aid for Cuts and Scrapes

Accidents happen, and minor cuts and scrapes are common – especially in the summer when we’re outside and staying active! Knowing how to treat minor injuries properly can prevent infection and promote healing. Here’s a quick guide to first aid and when to seek medical help.

Jason Sellers, MD • 15 May 2024

Watch Out for Poison Ivy!

As nature blooms, so do the risks of encountering poisonous plants like poison ivy and poison oak – even in your own backyard! These plants can irritate the skin, leading to discomfort and itching that can be hard to treat. Here’s what you need to know to stay safe!

Stella Gandhi, MD • 9 Aug 2023

How To Treat an Insect Bite

If you enjoy spending time outdoors during the summer, you’ve likely become well acquainted with pesky mosquitoes, hungry bees, and hidden ticks. When you’ve been bitten, it may not be totally clear how to treat the symptoms or when to seek medical care. At Radish we’re here to help guide you in the right direction!

Jason Sellers, MD • 6 Jun 2023

Did You Check for Ticks?

As summer approaches, spending time outdoors becomes more common, especially in the northeast. However, it’s crucial to be mindful of the risk of Lyme disease and check for ticks after enjoying outdoor activities. Read more to learn about what to do if you’ve been exposed!

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