Let’s Stay Healthy

Get the latest health tips from the Radish Health team

Viral Patel, MD • 25 Apr 2024

Seasonal Allergies Survival Guide

As spring blossoms, so do seasonal allergies, bringing runny noses and itchy eyes. But fear not, relief is within reach: from nasal sprays to allergy pills and HEPA air purifiers, explore various ways to tame your allergies and savor the joys of the spring season with Radish Health!

Jason Sellers, MD • 12 Dec 2023

How To Stay Healthy During the Holidays

The holiday season is a time for joy, celebration, time spent with family and friends, and sometimes a departure from the routines that keep us healthy. However, with a bit of planning and mindful choices, you can enjoy the holidays without compromising your health goals!

Jason Sellers, MD • 22 Aug 2023

Choose Wisely: Call Radish First

In times of medical uncertainty, it’s natural to feel the urge to rush to urgent care or the emergency room. However, there’s an alternative that has better outcomes: opening up the Radish app and texting your Radish doctor! This seemingly simple step can save you time, money, and even provide you with more comprehensive care.

Stella Gandhi, MD • 11 Apr 2023

How to Beat Spring Allergies

For many, the promise of warmer spring weather, blooming flowers, and chirping birds is offset by the return of allergy season. Fortunately we’ve got some tips to help you overcome those spring allergies and enjoy this wonderful time of year!

A family huddled close together with all their faces in frame
Stella Gandhi, MD • 14 Dec 2022

Having a Doctor in the Family

In many ways Radish Health started with the idea of providing medical care in the same convenient and trustworthy way as if you had a “Doctor in the Family.” What does that mean, exactly?

Jason Sellers, MD • 6 Dec 2022

Where to Seek Help: Rash

Our skin protects us from the elements but is also prone to damage such as rashes, burns, and itchiness. Where should you go for help when you notice a new rash suddenly appear?

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