Let’s Stay Healthy

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Jason Sellers, MD • 12 Jul 2024

Mental Health Check-in

As the warm days of summer unfold, we often anticipate a season filled with relaxation, travel, and fun. However, for many, the summer vacation period can also be a time of heightened stress, depression, and anxiety. At Radish, we understand the importance of mental well-being and offer comprehensive care to support you during this season and beyond.

Megan McGinn, PsyD • 30 Jan 2024

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Delving Deeper into Mindfulness

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a therapeutic approach rooted in the principles of mindfulness and acceptance. It aims to help individuals develop psychological flexibility by accepting their thoughts and feelings while committing to actions aligned with their values. Read on to find out more!

Megan McGinn, PsyD • 20 Nov 2023

Somatic Experiencing: A Body-Centered Approach to Alleviate Anxiety and Regulate Emotions

Anxiety is a pervasive mental health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. While traditional treatments like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can be effective for targeting problematic thoughts, many patients still struggle with the emotional distress that anxiety wrecks on the body. Let’s learn more about how Somatic Experiencing can help!

Megan McGinn, PsyD • 12 Jun 2023

What to Expect During Therapy

In this blog entry, we delve into the complex dynamics of therapy and why it can be a challenging yet transformative process. Therapy is not a quick fix, and it requires facing discomfort, acknowledging vulnerabilities, and exploring wounds. By understanding the need to confront our pain, take responsibility for our actions, and step out of our comfort zones, we can embark on a journey of self-growth and healing.

Megan McGinn, PsyD • 17 Apr 2023

Is Therapy Right for Me?

Mental health therapy is a highly effective form of treatment for individuals struggling with a variety of concerns. For anyone contemplating therapy, this blog post will discuss who can benefit from therapy, what types of problems therapy can help with, and the kinds of therapy you can expect at Radish.

Dr. McGinn & Dr. Sellers • 14 Mar 2023

Talking to Your Doctor About Mental Health

Talking about mental health is just as important as checking your blood pressure, and one can even affect the other! Let’s explore how prioritizing this discussion during your annual physical can help improve your physical and overall health!

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